Alan Turing

The man that generated our modern world (like the AI)

Alan Turing was not just any mathematician or computer scientist or biologist, even though he contributed to all of these fields. He was a genius who revolutionized the world we live in today, generating the foundation for modern computing, artificial intelligence, and even the internet. His life and work continue to inspire scientists and engineers around the world. Imaging a world without him is a dark one.

Born in Maida Vale, London in 1912, Turing showed an early aptitude for mathematics and science. He excelled in certain parts of school but was almost kicked out because they thought he would fail. As he moved on with life he made a friend who he is rumored to have had a crush on named Christopher Morcom who passed away at age 17.

Alan Turing's work during World War II was nothing short of extraordinary. As a codebreaker for the British government at Bletchley Park, he played a crucial role in cracking the seemingly unbreakable German Enigma code, a feat that changed the course of the war. Turing's brilliance in mathematics and computing helped him create a machine that was capable of breaking the code, and his contributions to cryptography and codebreaking were immeasurable.

His work allowed the Allies to read and decipher secret German communications, providing invaluable intelligence that helped them win decisive victories and ultimately end the war. This allowed allies to know where Nazi U-boats where going to strike and many more crucial knowledge. Turing's contributions were so significant that they have been estimated to have shortened the war by two years, potentially saving millions of lives. Without him so many more would have died today too with how much of an influence he has had on computers.

"The Imitation Game," starring Benedict Cumberbatch as Turing. It tells the story of Turing's crucial role in the code-breaking effort and his struggles with his sexuality in a society that deemed homosexuality a crime. It received critical acclaim and numerous awards, including an Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay. It's popularity has helped to raise awareness of Turing's achievements and the importance of codebreaking in the war effort. While it took some creative liberties, as all movies do, it is the main reason many people know about code breaking and how much Turing has done for us all.

Turing's contributions to artificial intelligence were also groundbreaking. He proposed the Turing Test, which measures a machine's ability to exhibit human like intelligent behavior. This test has become the benchmark for evaluating AI systems and their abilities. Turing's work on the Turing machine, a theoretical model of computation, is also considered one of the most important contributions to computer science.

Sadly later in life he was forced to undergo chemical castration after he was found preforming homosexual acts which where illegal in England at that time. This lead him to eventually commit suicide at age 41. Imagine how different the world would be if he had been able to live longer. With how much he had done up to just that point in his life. It is safe to say that Alan Turing is a hero to say the least and a man that has generated the modern world we call home today. Yes just like the AI that he inspired.